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Legion Arena-Cult of Mithras pack

Legion Arena: Cult of Mithras is an epic expansion pack


"Legion Arena: Cult of Mithras is an epic expansion pack"
zagruzit.com Editor: Legion Arena: Cult of Mithras is an epic expansion pack for Legion Arena is the land. Fire Demons, Shadow Warriors and Ghost Armies now the wait Hellish armies. In an area where the cult of Mithras Legion fantasy historical Roman campaign left Arenaâs continues. Players can either load the current war and the army to take another adventure, or a default on hardened fighters into the army, including the game package.
Full version play Legion Arena Legion Arena: Cult of Mithras Expansion Pack required.
Mature Content. Containing historically accurate violence and clothing (and sometimes their) lack
1 35 new battles in seven campaigns.
Fire Demons, Shadow Warriors and Ghost Legions and 2 seven new unit types!
Improved 3 storyline.
War conflicts between 4 Connected to this improvement strategies to prevent and add a new layer.
5 Intense new graphical effects.
6 New and powerful special equipment. Legion Arena Cult of Mithras pack 1.1.1 you can download free now.

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